Welcome to Connectors’ documentation!

The Connectors package facilitates the writing of block-diagram-like processing networks. For this it provides decorators for the methods of processing classes, so they can be connected to each other. When a parameter in such a processing network is changed, the result values will also be updated automatically. This is similar to a pipes and filters architecture, the observer pattern or streams.

This short example demonstrates the core functionality of the Connectors package by implementing a processing network of two sequential blocks, which double their input value:

digraph Measurement{
   empty1 -> double1 -> double2 -> empty2;
   empty1 [label="", shape=none];
   double1 [label="·2", shape=box];
   double2 [label="·2", shape=box];
   empty2 [label="", shape=none];
>>> import connectors
>>> class TimesTwo:
...     def __init__(self, value=0):
...         self.__value = value
...     @connectors.Input("get_double")
...     def set_value(self, value):
...         self.__value = value
...     @connectors.Output()
...     def get_double(self):
...          return 2 * self.__value
>>> d1 = TimesTwo()                                     # create an instance that doubles its input value
>>> d2 = TimesTwo().set_value.connect(d1.get_double)    # create a second instance and connect it to the first
>>> d2.get_double()
>>> d1.set_value(2)
>>> d2.get_double()                                     # causes the new input value 2 to be processed by d1 and d2

Indices and tables